We are activists and movements from European and Mediterranean area, meeting in Milan from June 13th to June 15th, in order to build a network of the struggles for housing right for everybody and for the right to the city. Aware that the situations in our countries are different, we believe that the struggle is the same.
The speculation enriches more and more every day financial institutions and Real Estate market, by wasting territories and exploiting rural and urban lands. They let houses and buildings empty, while millions people are homeless and exploit the emergency for gaining new profit through construction business (through the so-called Social Housing program, for example). They build more and more to enlarge this business that generates profit for the same few persons. The fight in the city and metropolis for territories self-determination and fair and equal urban policies is a basic issue, nowadays. We have started with Stop Eviction actions but we want more than only defending. We seek for solutions for our needs and answers for our desires. We have conquered new spaces of resistance, we spread everywhere offensively. We do not demand for public policies only: we want to change our cities from the grassroots through social conflict, mutual aid and direct access to resources. We don’t need housing only, but also income, free transports, healthcare, free education, public services.
We fight for the transformation of our suburbs and cities in resistant territories where solidarity makes a new world and a new way of living the metropolis possible. We act by ourselves, we rely on our own political strength, not on politicians’ promises. We squat abandoned buildings and empty houses, in order to build solidarity experiences inside a society based on mutual aid. We denounce public institutions and corporations of Real Estate and banks through demonstrations and communication campaigns. We take back the public space, we activate and improve networks of struggle.
During this meeting we decided to propose, with an open call to every movements and activists, to join us in these two campaigns:
1) European campaign against eviction. We propose to use a common logo and a common name for this campaign: Stop Eviction- Take the city. Everyone can join this campaign, organizing the resistance against evictions in his own city.
2) Transnational week of actions against bank and Real Estate for housing for everybody and right to the city. In the week from October 13th to October 19th, with a day dedicated to a massive demonstration on October 18th, we will organize demonstrations, direct and communicative actions, marking and squatting empty houses.
Decentralize the space, synchronize the time! Broadcast your actions and sessions.
We invite everyone, collectives, networks, social centers, anywhere all around Europe and Mediterranean area and more, to take part in the network and take part in the week of action in their local area. We will organize conference regularly (first appointment in the Squatting Days of Hamburg) We ideally support all the local, national, transnational mobilizations against Real Estate and financial speculation for housing rights and for self-determination of different territories.
We express all the solidarity with the social movement, facing repression in Brazil and denouncing the dark side of the FIFA World Cup: evictions, corruption, gentrification.
We embrace with love and anger the Turkish comrades crying another young boy killed from Erdogan’s police.
Living in the crisis: see the complete lists of organisation participants in the meeting.
Abitare nella crisi – Italy (Cantiere – Milan, Comitato Abitanti di San Siro – Milan, Spazio di Mutuo Soccorso – Milan, BPM – Rome, Coordinamento Cittadino di lotta per la casa – Rome, Degage – Rome, Magnammoce o pesone – Naples, CSOA Gabrio – Turin, Movimento di lotta per la casa Firenze, Social Log – Bolonia, Prendocasa/Askatasuna – Turin, Ex Caserma – Livorno, Rete diritti in casa – Parma, Comitato Antisfratto – Cremona, Movimento per la casa – Pavia, Foa Boccaccio – Monza…), Hobo – Bolonia, Italy.
Recht auf Stadt Network-Hamburg including Wir sind mehr, Gängeviertel, Refugee Welcome Center, Rote Flora -Hamburg, Germany, Buendnis Zwangsraumung verhindern! – Berlin
Droit au logement – France
Asamblea Vivienda Centro – Madrid, Spain, La Pah – Madrid Spain, La Pah – Barcelona, Catalunya Spanish State, La PAHC, 15M Pamplona – Navarra, Spanish State
OtonomSamsa, Istanbul – Turkey
AK – Athene, Greece
Praktyka Teoretyczna – Posnan, Poland