The week of action “Stop Eviction, Take the City” across several cities in Europe. It ‘s just a small first step of many collectives and movements that are organized on a daily basis for the right to housing and the right to the city and are betting on the fact that in Europe, Mediterranean area […]
Category Archives: MULTI
Week of Actions (13-18 October 2014)
21-Jun-14We are still working on this page [EN] – Transnational week of actions against bank and Real Estate for housing for everybody and right to the city. In the week from October 13th to October 19th, with a day dedicated to a massive demonstration on October 18th, we will organize demonstrations, direct and communicative actions, […]
Stop Evictions
21-Jun-14We are still working on this page [EN] – European campaign against eviction. We propose to use a common logo and a common name for this campaign: Stop Eviction- Take the city. Everyone can join this campaign, organizing the resistance against evictions in his own city. [ES] – Una campaña europea contra desahucios y desalojos. […]
21-Jun-14We are till working on this page. Send us a mail:
Page under Contruction
21-Jun-14Come back soon!