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Stop Eviction – Take the city, demonstration and initiative all over Europe

stopevictiontakethecityThe week of action “Stop Eviction, Take the City” across several cities in Europe.
It ‘s just a small first step of many collectives and movements that are organized on a daily basis for the right to housing and the right to the city and are betting on the fact that in Europe, Mediterranean area and in world, it is possible to develop a movement that exceeds boundaries and claiming the right to housing and to the city. The social question of the house is one of the nodes useful to recompose with the complexity of social figures crushed by the crisis through practical solidarity and mutual aid. In the struggle for the conquest of the concrete needs you can build a social opposition in the permanent crisis. A social movement that speaks the language of our multicultural metropolis refusing Racism.

Read the call came out of the meeting that was held in June in Milan.

Throughout Italy the week of mobilization is crossed by marches and demonstrations, in particular the day of “social strike” of the # 16 October and several events on October 18. Demonstrations will be held in Milan, Turin, Bolonia, Rome, ParmaLivorno and many other cities. The “social strike” of the # 16 October will also be national strike of the logistics industry.

In London there will be a mobilization Anti-MIPIM. The movements for the right to housing (from different European countries) will meet at the international forum of Real Estate, where public bodies, associations of builders and real estate professionals gather to share the cake of real estate speculation and speculation financial. Stay tuned about the three days of protests in London.

In Athens during an action movements and his companions have a banner for claiming the right to housing in the city center.

In BerlinToo many trouble not enough rage! demo against rising rents, displacement of poor people, racist discrimination and forced evictions.
Demonstration: 18/10/14   14h @Herrfurthplatz, Berlin
During the next weeks there will be different actions – like film showings, manifestations,  discussions and information events, a video manifestation, observation of a trial in court and rallies through a district to make aware of displacement. Stay tuned in the website of the League Against Evictions zwangsraeumungverhindern. and

In Paris the inhabitants organised with “Droit Au Logement” occupied a gym to express some request on housing rights and to denounce with rage the inhumanity of eviction after the suicide of a man threated to eviction. Read more here.

In Madrid, the PAH is organizing the campaign Judgment and Punishment (trial and punishment) to report the perpetrators of financial fraud in Spain. On October 18 there will be a demonstration, as part of the campaign of the European Week of mobilization in front of Deutsche Bank, Paseo de la Castellana 18 Madrid

In Bucarest Frontu Comun Pentru Dreptul la Locuire will participate in demonstration with initiative of protest and denounce.